Thursday, February 24, 2011

Handfasting Inspiration

John and I are having a handfasting ceremony next month. I have so little time to prepare! Luckily I have absolutely wonderful friends who are willing to help out. And God bless the internet for allowing me the ability to look up random pictures to use as reference for our Fae inspired engagement ceremony.

What to Look for:
  • Faerie related clothing
  • Something that incorporates both of our personalities (His Greek influences and my Buddhist influences)
  • Unique Nature based decorations
  • A color scheme to tie it all together
These images came from a rather thrifty little blog that I follow- Gypsy House Designs- I absolutely fell in love with these images. The gowns, head dresses and scenery are absolutely flawless. I wish I had an unlimited budget but, alas, I have to keep it as close to a hundred dollar budget as possible. This does give me quite a bit of inspiration for the wedding soon to come.

Twig Oaklyn Flewinia Thistlebottom, better know as Twig the Fairy,  is an absolutely adorable young woman who often makes appearances at Medival and Renaissance Fairs. She's been featured in several fashion and counterculture lifestyle magazines. If there was ever a place to pull small budgeted Faerie costumes from, it would be Twig.

Lastly will be our decorations and color scheme. Since the theme we decided on was Faeries I thought it seemed fitting to create some tiny chairs for our Faerie friends to sit in during the ceremony and reception. I gathered up a bunch of twigs, tree bark and moss and plan on piecing them together.

I was also considering making some natural terrariums to place around the church and to keep us company in the apartment later. I've already invested in jars, Now it is a struggle to get the actually plants to fit within our budget.

 After all of this, the main thing to do now is hunt down some fabric and trim to make my dress and John's tunic. I'm all shimmery eyed this month and I hope this glow stays. Lately I could use the extra boost of shiny. Maybe I should rummage through my closet and look for clothes to make over. That might get my head of of those dark, broody clouds overhead and focus more of the bright blue Oklahoma sky.

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