Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Have I Ever Mentioned That I Am In Love With Creepy Chan?

Like.... For cereal? Look at this girl:

I think what really does it for me is the fact that she's not just a pretty model, she's also a really talented artist ( ). She took all of her work down from DeviantArt but moved it to a Flickr account. She's disabled downloads on her page- probably due to her popularity- but you can still view them and comment. I mean, wow. Wish I could meet her.... Hell, If I gain popularity as an artist, I will totally invite her to have an exhibition with me. I wouldn't think twice. In fact... this is now a goal for my bucket list.


  1. Creepy Chan aka Tussin Chan aka Allison Harvard was a girl notorious for posting macabre artwork and creepy photos of herself on DeviantArt. 4Chan was, of course fascinated by her creepy artwork and huge, anime eyes and so she was posted all over the internetz. After a while she basically disappeared off of the internet until Cycle 12 of America's Next Top Model. Someone recognized her as Creepy Chan and so her popularity sky rocketed. It also proves that Anonymous is more of a Tyra Banks than Tyra Banks because we found her first :3
