Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Day to De-stress- Daily Outfit

It always feels like every time I get ahead, I get slapped in the face with something cold, hard and on occasion sharp and pointy. So, I decided I needed a day to de-stress. Just a day to sit, drink tea and coffee and read a nice book.

I started my day with an awesome rose milk tea. I spent the time to make it look pretty so that I at least had the satisfaction of creating something beautiful and simple. It made me feel good and my experiments with adding different combinations of tea with the rose made it taste just like my favorite tea at Tea Cafe.

I've been browsing around Google and admiring a street fashion movement called "Dolly Kei" and decided to compose something to wear from that using the random bits in my closet. It made me smile a bit when I looked in the mirror and as an added plus it was comfortable. It's also inspired me to makeover my coat. Most of the buttons have fallen off so I'm going to seize the opportunity to go to a junk shop or art supply shop and buy unique buttons and pins. I'm also thinking of adding trim around the sleeves and bottom rim of the coat. I might even add a layer of patterned fabric to the inside. That sounds nice. I should post my progress soon.

I spent the afternoon at Brandy Park (better known as "The Duck Pond") and listened to the geese yell at passing cars who were playing loud music. Hence "The geese disapprove of your choice in musical aesthetic." I doodled for a little while before deciding on walking back to the apartment. John and I kept an eye out for random nuts and bolts that we can incorporate in our costume or props for the Steampunk con and then he treated me to Spaghetti-O's. Best. Day. Ever.

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